Writing (Personal)

I’m a writer, mainly of short fiction. I’ve been published in The White Review, Ambit, 3am Magazine, Litro, Going Down Swinging and other magazines. I have won Ambit magazine’s Short Story Competition, was runner-up in The Moth’s Short Story Competition, and was runner-up in The White Review Short Story Competition. I also publish in anthologies, most recently All Tomorrow’s Futures: Fictions that Disrupt, Vital Signals: Near-Future Fictions and 22 Ideas about the Future.

I previously participated in the BBC’s Laugh Track scheme for sitcom development, and continue to do occasional script work, most recently for the computer games Highwater and The Cub. My non-fiction has been published in periodicals as varied as Granta, Aeon, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The New Humanitarian, MONU (the magazine of new urbanism), and others. My audiovisual installations have been shown at the Vienna Biennale, Berlin Soundout!, and TransEuropa Belgrade.

I have never attended a writing course, I have never applied for a fellowship, and I have never been offered a residency.


Trial by Fire (2004). Published in Pulp.net.

Codex/Logos (2004). Published in Going Down Swinging #22.

Taking Care of the Boat (2005). Shortlisted for Raymond Carver Short Story Contest. Published in Carve Magazine. (Carve Magazine lost their archives in a hard drive disaster!)

The Light That Remains (2007). Winner, Leaf Publishing Short Story Competition. Published in anthology The Light That Remains and other stories (Leaf Books).

Iron Lung Man (2007). Published in The Quiet Feather.

Chiral (2014). Shortlisted for The White Review Short Story Prize.

The Tiger Waiting on the Shore (2014). Published in Nature magazine. Also available in audio.

The Small Print (2014). Shortlisted for SFX The Writing Dead Short Story Competititon. “John Grisham with zombie sub-contractors”, published here.

The Report (2015). Novella published as part of the Vienna Biennale 2015.

A New City for the Old King (2015). Published in Camenzind magazine.

Every Good Boy Deserves (2015). Highly Commended in the Ruairi Roberts Short Story Competition.

And Eve Called her Husbands Name (2016). Published in Fox Pockets anthology In an Unknown Country.

Tailchaser (2016). Published in Nature magazine.

The Special Circumstances of Mr Oakeshott (2017). Text version at The Short Story, Reading at Liars League.

Happiness (2017). Published in anthology Sleep is a Beautiful Colour: National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2017.

The Ranger Counts Every Sunset as a Victory (2017). Published in anthology Flash, I Love You!

Why We Fight (2018). Reading at Near-Future Fictions. Published in anthology Vital Signals (2022).

What Matters (2018). Novella published as part of Upscaling, Training, Commoning: Constructing a Future That Is yet to Be (Jovis Verlag GmbH).

Qualiapocalypse (2019). Reading at Near-Future Fictions.

For Us Remembering is like Breathing (2020). Poem published in Visual Verse.

The Money Talk (2021). Short story read and published at Cybersalon. Published in anthology 22 Ideas about the Future (2022).

The Stone Makes the Spark (2022). Flash fiction published in Litro Magazine.

The Milton Bradleys (2022). Short story published in 3am Magazine.

Bag O’ Bones (2022). Short story recorded and broadcast by The Other Stories.


Urisk, Wolver, Bodach Glas (2023). Winner of the Ambit Magazine Short Story Competition 2022.

Ghosts of my life (2023). Short story published in Sci Phi Journal.

Bathymetry (2023). Short story published in Short Fiction: the Visual Literary Journal.

Upright Carriage (2023). Second Prize in The Moth Short Story Competition. Published in The Irish Times.

Non Fiction

Fly Away Home: Iraq 1998 (2009). Published online in Granta.

All Smiles in Kabul: Afghanistan 2002 (2007). Published in State of Play Magazine.

Every Night is like a Disco: Iraq 2003 (2014). Published online in The White Review.

From Story to Book and Back Again (2014). Published in The Bookseller.

Four Species of Ghost (2014). Published in Camenzind Magazine.

Humanitarian City (2015). Published in MONU.

The Unbearable Present (2016). Published in Zent Magazine (Nova Iskra), and also here.

Calculation of the Effect of Machines (2016). Published in How Work Works (European Creative Hubs Network).

Frayed tempers on a ferry in Montenegro (2016). Published in The Telegraph.

Bleed and Chase (2017). Published in Panorama: the Journal of Intelligent Travel.

Script Work

Grievances (1992). Winner, Thorndike Theatre Young Playwright’s Festival.

Earth (1993-94). Performed at Birmingham University under original title “An Avalanche of Murders”.

Tracks (1997). Short film, selected for BAFTA Short Film Showcase.

The Drum for Food and Sauce (2004). One-act play, shortlisted for the London Writers’ Competition.

Love, the Dead (2012). Sitcom pilot. Selected for BBC Laugh Track sitcom development scheme.

No Place To (2013). Short play, performed at Parobrod, Belgrade.

Kuver (2014-2016). Performance installation in Berlin, Belgrade and Funchal.

Spine 2.0 (2021). Near-future thriller TV series, pilot currently in development.

The Thinker in the Bathroom (2022). Feature film, co-written with Igor Simic, currently in development.

Highwater (2023). Computer game, produced by Demagog Studios.

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